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Nashville establishes new department for multimodal transportation - SmartCitiesWorld

Mayor John Cooper said the people of Nashville have helped to create a people-first transportation plan with less congestion on safer, well-maintained roads, and NDOT will deliver it.

Nashville has unveiled a new transportation department as part of the City’s plans to build a “21st-century multimodal transportation network” that prioritizes safety and equity.

The launch of the Nashville Department of Transportation & Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) marks an important milestone in the early implementation of the Metro Nashville

Multimodal transportation

Transportation Plan and the city’s journey toward an efficient multimodal transportation network that works for everyone and prioritizes safety.

“In a city on the move, we must keep our people on the move – safely and efficiently. We know what has to be done because Nashvillians have told us: better bus service; more sidewalks, bikeways, and greenways; and less congestion on safer, well-maintained roads,” said John Cooper, mayor.

“The people of Nashville helped us create a right-sized, people-first transportation plan, and NDOT is going to deliver it.”

“Nashville’s success as a city is reliant on a smart, future-oriented and performance-oriented department of transportation”

A department focused solely on transportation was recommended in the Metro Nashville Transportation Plan, adopted in late 2020 by Metro Council. The department recently received funding increases in both the 2021-2022 capital and operating budgets, with more than $120m in transportation-related capital funding, and 42 additional positions added.

With many cities moving toward independent local transportation departments, the advantages are clear: efficiency, sustained focus, and accountability, the City reports.



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